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  • Author: Prof. Peter Vassallo

    The essays offered in this book explore some of the significant Romantic and post-Romantic constructions of Italy, its culture and history, beginning with Madame de Stael's seminal Corinne, ou l'Italie (1807), which would prove influential in the aesthetic imagery shaping and surrounding subsequent literary works about Italy. The Italian landscape and cultural scene invited both description and re-inscription by some of the prominent British writers of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, who were responding to the fascination exerted upon them by Italian culture generally. The chapters in this book consider the rich texture of this scene of literary and cultural influence, focusing on the perception, representation and appropriation of Italy by some major British writers of the period indicated, among them Lord Byron, Lady Morgan, Percy Shelley, John Keats, George Eliot, John Ruskin, E.M. Forster, D.H. Lawrence and W.B. Yeats.

  • Author: Prof. Peter Vassallo

    The essays offered in this book explore some of the significant Romantic and post-Romantic constructions of Italy, its culture and history, beginning with Madame de Stael's seminal Corinne, ou l'Italie (1807), which would prove influential in the aesthetic imagery shaping and surrounding subsequent literary works about Italy. The Italian landscape and cultural scene invited both description and re-inscription by some of the prominent British writers of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, who were responding to the fascination exerted upon them by Italian culture generally. The chapters in this book consider the rich texture of this scene of literary and cultural influence, focusing on the perception, representation and appropriation of Italy by some major British writers of the period indicated, among them Lord Byron, Lady Morgan, Percy Shelley, John Keats, George Eliot, John Ruskin, E.M. Forster, D.H. Lawrence and W.B. Yeats.

  • Author: George Cassar

    This book does not look at the teachers' drive towards their aspirations solely through a historical or chronological recounting of the stages leading to 1919. The teachers' occupation is examined through an analysis of the conditions of work, the methods of recruitment, appointment and classification, teacher training and the development of salaries, all of which help the reader to conceive a clearer picture of what teachers went through while at their daily work within schools. It may also be surprising to note that certain problems concerning teachers evident in the past, are still with us, to some extent or other, even today. The study also entails a detailed enquiry of 19th and early 20th century educational thought about the teachers' role and duties in schools. It is revealing how adjourned Maltese thinkers were with regards to the scope and objectives of education in general and the function of the teacher in particular.

  • Author: Steven Zammit

    Are you hungry? This book offers a sweet kiss to those who are hungry for increased awareness. It is a journey into the mind; a stimulus unlocking humans' limitless nature. The reader is provided with food for thought involving the social construction of ideas. Focus is made on creating awareness of the dangerous nature of absolutes which can  debilitate humans from being open to experience and to new ways of thinking. The author aims to illustrate numerous ways in which loss of awareness debilitates psychological  growth while considering the technological age in which people are living. This illustration is made through the help of scientific theories, also including philosophical ideas. The author amalgamates various ideas on how to break the limits previously demonstrated by providing practical solutions. The society viewed as mechanised is supplied with further understanding of emotions and the need of increased emotional intelligence, resilience and meaning ... a kiss that you will never forget!  

  • Author: Prof. Paul A. Bartolo

    Winning People's Hearts -How Social Inclusion and Exclusion Informed the 2013 Malta General Election Campaign

    The Education Research Monograph Series (ERMS) is a new, peer-reviewed book series which focuses on specialised and interdisciplinary issues related to education. ERMS is intended to enable researchers from many disciplines to share their findings and, as a result, stimulate dialogue on established and emerging topics in education within the international community of researchers, practitioners, students and other stakeholders interested in the field. The monograph series considers bibliographical works as well as empirical studies that employ mixed methods for data gathering and analysis.  

  • Author: Joe Friggieri

    These brief tales have an immediacy, a freshness, that leads the reader on from one to the other, pausing only to think about the images and ideas that imprint themselves indelibly on his mind.

  • Author: P. Bianchi, A. Cassola & Peter Serracino Inglott

    Pynchon Malta and Wittgenstein

    Eds: P. Bianchi, A. Cassola & Peter Serracino Inglott

  • Edited by Vicki Ann Cremona Capitalising on Culture? Malta and the European Capital of Culture is a collection of papers that interrogate the state of culture in the Mediterranean Island of Malta, which in 2018 will also be the designated European Capital of Culture. This volume critically examines the scope and function of culture. Authors in this volume explore culture both in terms of the physical spaces in the island as well as culture in terms of the lived fabric of social life. As such the papers explore the state and significance of culture in terms of well-being social participation, community-formation and inclusivity. The authors address the potential of the European Capital of Culture, and the resources attached it, to leave a lasting legacy that can foster the growth of culture in a local context.
  • Author: Dr Mario Cutajar This monograph is an account of a major piece of research, which Dr Mario Cutajar has undertaken extremely thoroughly and with immense commitment. Both the major research and the monograph make a very significant contribution to understandings of the Maltese education system, its history and how it could and indeed should develop in the future. Very importantly, it is clear that Dr Mario Cutajar undertook the study, because of his passionate commitment to his nation's education system and the education of its future citizens.
  • Author: Dr Grazio Mercieca

    MALTA UNIVERSITY PUBLISHING għadu kif ippubblika t-Tieni Volum ta’ Massimarji tal-Imħallef Philip Sciberras.  L-ewwel volum kien jitratta l-proċedura ċivili.  It-tieni volum jitratta temi ta’ dritt ċivili sostantiv, bħad-drittijiet tal-persuna, proprjetà, suċċessjoni u obbligazzjonijiet, kuntratti in ġenerali u kuntratti speċifiċi bħall-appalt, bejgħ u l-kera. Dan huwa essenzjalment ktieb ta’ referenza. 1269 pages.
  • Author: Dr Grazio Mercieca

    MALTA UNIVERSITY PUBLISHING għadu kif ippubblika t-Tieni Volum ta’ Massimarji tal-Imħallef Philip Sciberras.  L-ewwel volum kien jitratta l-proċedura ċivili.  It-tieni volum jitratta temi ta’ dritt ċivili sostantiv, bħad-drittijiet tal-persuna, proprjetà, suċċessjoni u obbligazzjonijiet, kuntratti in ġenerali u kuntratti speċifiċi bħall-appalt, bejgħ u l-kera. Dan huwa essenzjalment ktieb ta’ referenza. 1269 pages.
  • Author: Maria Cutajar

    Higher Education Teachers’ Experiences of Networked Technologies for Teaching

    The Education Research Monograph Series (ERMS) is a new, peer-reviewed book series which focuses on specialised and interdisciplinary issues related to education. ERMS is intended to enable researchers from many disciplines to share their findings and, as a result, stimulate dialogue on established and emerging topics in education within the international community of researchers, practitioners, students and other stakeholders interested in the field. The monograph series considers bibliographical works as well as empirical studies that employ mixed methods for data gathering and analysis.