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  • Author: Dr. Renald Blundell

    2011 – 94 pages (Colour)

  • Author: Prof. Peter Vassallo

    The essays offered in this book explore some of the significant Romantic and post-Romantic constructions of Italy, its culture and history, beginning with Madame de Stael's seminal Corinne, ou l'Italie (1807), which would prove influential in the aesthetic imagery shaping and surrounding subsequent literary works about Italy. The Italian landscape and cultural scene invited both description and re-inscription by some of the prominent British writers of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, who were responding to the fascination exerted upon them by Italian culture generally. The chapters in this book consider the rich texture of this scene of literary and cultural influence, focusing on the perception, representation and appropriation of Italy by some major British writers of the period indicated, among them Lord Byron, Lady Morgan, Percy Shelley, John Keats, George Eliot, John Ruskin, E.M. Forster, D.H. Lawrence and W.B. Yeats.

  • Author: Prof. Paul A. Bartolo

    Winning People's Hearts -How Social Inclusion and Exclusion Informed the 2013 Malta General Election Campaign

    The Education Research Monograph Series (ERMS) is a new, peer-reviewed book series which focuses on specialised and interdisciplinary issues related to education. ERMS is intended to enable researchers from many disciplines to share their findings and, as a result, stimulate dialogue on established and emerging topics in education within the international community of researchers, practitioners, students and other stakeholders interested in the field. The monograph series considers bibliographical works as well as empirical studies that employ mixed methods for data gathering and analysis.  

  • This is the first literal translation of Stumme’s collection of 37 folktales from Malta and Gozo which were narrated to him mostly by illiterate peasants and which he recorded in phonetic script in 1903 when he visited Malta.  They are an invaluable contribution to the heritage of the Maltese islands.
  • Author: Prof. Joe Friggieri

    Dan huwa t-tielet u l-ahhar volum tal-istorja tal-filosofija miktuba minn Joe Friggieri. L-ewwel volum kien jibda mill-Presokratici u jispicca bir-Rinaxximent. It-tieni volum fetah b'Descartes u ghalaq b'Kant. Dan il-volum ikompli l-istorja mill-idealizmu Germaniz sa zminijietna, u jipprezenta b'mod lucidu l-hsieb ta' figuri kbar bhal Hegel, Marx, Schopenhouer, Kierkegoord, Darwin, Nietzsche, Frege Husserl, Freud, Russell, Wittgenstein, Heidegger, Sartre, Gadamer, Habermas u Quine. Jittratta wkoll l-ideat ta' Foucoult, Derrida, Lyotard u postmodernisti ohra bhal Deleuze, Guattari u Baudrillard, flimkien ma' dawk tal-esponenti ewlenin tal-femminizmu Franciz, bhal Simone de Beauvoir, Julia Kristeva, Luce Irigaray, Michele Le Doeuff u Helene Cixous. Il-ktieb jaghlaq b'taqsima fuq il-filosofija Anglo-Amerikana wara Wittgenstein u b'harsa lejn il-kritika radikali tas-socjeta kontemporanja minn filosfi kontinentali bhal Alain Badiou, Giorgio Agamben, Slavaj Zizek u s-socjologu Zygmunt Bauman.

  • Author: Prof. Carmel Cefai & Prof. Louis Lagana' Carmel Cefai and Louis Laganà have created this remarkable book by selecting papers from the 32nd International Conference on Psychology and the Arts, a cutting-edge conference which has for three decades been discussing artworks from a psychological perspective. Including enriching works from Greek tragedy to contemporary films, this is a book every critic will find worthwhile.
  • Author: Prof. Charles Briffa

    Oliver Friggieri is Professor of Maltese Literature at the University of Malta, and he is the foremost Maltese literary critic and a national author. He has published extensively and in his creative writing he attempts to intepret the sentiments and attitudes of a people living in the Central Mediterranean. The Essential Oliver Friggieri includes some translated works and implies that the selection is representative of Friggieri’s feelings, thoughts, and mind style in the source culture. It projects a compact, coherent image of him as a relevant contemporary national author: that is, as it embodies an image of some of his most characteristic works, the selection, with no particular arrangement in mind, tends to stabilise the sense among non-Maltese receptor readers of what constitutes the relevant literary output of Friggieri in a modern environment. Through the medium of literature Friggieri assumes the role of the conscience of a nation. He proclaims in traditional positive elements in his longer poetic works, but expresses present negative qualities in his ficton. His prose is not a weapon for war but a cry for justice and honesty. It is simple enough to retain the common readers’ attention and intriguing enough to involve their thinking.

  • Il-politika hija dak il-proċess li jfassal ideat u toroq li bihom u fuqhom jitwettqu żviluppi tajbin, inqas tajbin jew ħżiena fis-setturi diversi tal-ħajja ta’ kuljum. Kull fejn hemm tmexxija, hemm politika li tista’ tissarraf kemm fi tmexxija u riżultati tajbin, kif ukoll fi tmexxija ħażina. Jien li ġej mill-qasam mediku, imma għaddejt 45 sena minn ħajti fil-qasam politiku, stajt nirrelata ma’ u napprezza l-livell għoli tal-materjal li hawn f’din il-pubblikazzjoni. F’dawn il-kontribuzzjonijiet sibt faċċati li jittrattaw bil-miftuħ dawk l-isfidi u problemi etiċi, morali u politiċi li jien stess iffaċċjajt matul dawk is-snin u li ħsibt mhux ftit fuqhom matul il karriera twila tiegħi fil-politika. L-Eċċellenza Tiegħu t-Tabib George Vella President ta’ Malta   Dan ix-xogħol jistħoqqlu tifħir, tal-anqas, għal żewġ raġunijiet ewlenin. Raġuni waħda hija l-interdixxiplinarità tiegħu. Kelma twila u tqila li tfisser li l-materjal u s-suġġetti f’dan il-ktieb mhumiex mgħarbula u skjerati minn lenti dejqa ta’ dixxiplina partikulari. It-tieni raġuni hija l-ilsien Malti li bih issawru l-kapitli ta’ dan il-ktieb. Bl-interdixxiplinarità tiegħu, u miktub kif inhu bil-Malti, dan il-ktieb huwa xempju tal-qrubija bejn l-akkademja, l-ekonomija u s-soċjetà Maltija; xhieda ta’ kif u kemm l-Università kapaċi wkoll tersaq qrib in-nies. Il-Professur Godfrey Baldacchino, Soċjologu   Nilqa’ lill-qarrejja kollha ta’ dawn is-saġġi fuq aspetti varji tal-politika mogħtija minn għadd sabiħ ta’ akkademiċi u prattikanti li wara li wasslu l-kontenut, l-argumenti u l-analiżi riċerkati tagħhom lis-semmiegħa, ikkollaboraw biex il-programmi jinqalbu fi ktieb. Bħala produttur u preżentatur fuq Campus FM, l-awtur ta’ din il-pubblikazzjoni għamel biċċa xogħol fejjieda biex l-għerf imberraħ minn wara l-mikrofonu jsib postu mitbugħ f’dan il-volum denju. Dott. Charles Xuereb, Chairperson tal-Bord Editorjali tar-Radju tal-Università   Dwar l-awtur Dott. Mario Thomas Vassallo huwa l-Kap tad-Dipartiment tal-Politika Pubblika fl-Università ta' Malta fejn jgħallem l-amministrazzjoni pubblika, ir-riċerka xjentifika u l-governanza, fost oħrajn. Kitbietu ġew ippubblikati minn djar tal-kotba f’Malta u oħrajn internazzjonali. Koeditur tas-serje ta’ kotba bl-isem Public Life in Malta. Ipproduċa għadd ta’ sensiliet radjufoniċi li jittrattaw temi soċjali, politiċi u ta’ Melitensia fuq Campus FM, FM Bronja u Radju Malta.
  • Author: Prof. Peter Vassallo

    The essays offered in this book explore some of the significant Romantic and post-Romantic constructions of Italy, its culture and history, beginning with Madame de Stael's seminal Corinne, ou l'Italie (1807), which would prove influential in the aesthetic imagery shaping and surrounding subsequent literary works about Italy. The Italian landscape and cultural scene invited both description and re-inscription by some of the prominent British writers of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, who were responding to the fascination exerted upon them by Italian culture generally. The chapters in this book consider the rich texture of this scene of literary and cultural influence, focusing on the perception, representation and appropriation of Italy by some major British writers of the period indicated, among them Lord Byron, Lady Morgan, Percy Shelley, John Keats, George Eliot, John Ruskin, E.M. Forster, D.H. Lawrence and W.B. Yeats.

  • Author: Dr Grazio Mercieca

    huwa l-ewwel wieħed minn tlett volumi.  Il-volumi sussegwenti sejrin jitrattaw temi oħrajn bħad-dritt ċivili sostantiv, dritt kummerċjali, liġijiet tal-kera, dritt industrijali, dritt fiskali u liġi dwar it-traffiku. Dan huwa essenzjalment ktieb ta' riferenza u l-iskop ewlieni tiegħu huwa li jservi ta' riferenza faċli u komprensiva għall-avukati prattikanti, anke jekk il-massimarji fihom kontenut qawwi ta' prinċipji legali li jinteressaw lill-istudjuż tal-liġi u lill-istudenti. Għalhekk il-massimarji huma mqassmin skond is-suġġett b'mod alfabetiku f'kapitoli; u b'mod analitiku f'kull kapitolu. Barra l-Werrej fuq quddiem hemm ukoll, fuq wara, għadd ta' indiċijiet - tal-leġislazzjoni ewlenija u sussidjarja  ċċitata fil-massimarji; tas-sentenzi u opri legali ċċitati fl-istess massimarji, indiċi tal-massimarji nfushom kif ukoll indiċi analitiku-alfabetiku. 1088 pages