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  • Author: Rose Marie Caruana 2007 - 137 pp.
  • Author: Steven Zammit

    Are you hungry? This book offers a sweet kiss to those who are hungry for increased awareness. It is a journey into the mind; a stimulus unlocking humans' limitless nature. The reader is provided with food for thought involving the social construction of ideas. Focus is made on creating awareness of the dangerous nature of absolutes which can  debilitate humans from being open to experience and to new ways of thinking. The author aims to illustrate numerous ways in which loss of awareness debilitates psychological  growth while considering the technological age in which people are living. This illustration is made through the help of scientific theories, also including philosophical ideas. The author amalgamates various ideas on how to break the limits previously demonstrated by providing practical solutions. The society viewed as mechanised is supplied with further understanding of emotions and the need of increased emotional intelligence, resilience and meaning ... a kiss that you will never forget!  

  • Author: Prof. Charles Briffa

    Oliver Friggieri is Professor of Maltese Literature at the University of Malta, and he is the foremost Maltese literary critic and a national author. He has published extensively and in his creative writing he attempts to intepret the sentiments and attitudes of a people living in the Central Mediterranean. The Essential Oliver Friggieri includes some translated works and implies that the selection is representative of Friggieri’s feelings, thoughts, and mind style in the source culture. It projects a compact, coherent image of him as a relevant contemporary national author: that is, as it embodies an image of some of his most characteristic works, the selection, with no particular arrangement in mind, tends to stabilise the sense among non-Maltese receptor readers of what constitutes the relevant literary output of Friggieri in a modern environment. Through the medium of literature Friggieri assumes the role of the conscience of a nation. He proclaims in traditional positive elements in his longer poetic works, but expresses present negative qualities in his ficton. His prose is not a weapon for war but a cry for justice and honesty. It is simple enough to retain the common readers’ attention and intriguing enough to involve their thinking.

  • Author: George Cassar

    This book does not look at the teachers' drive towards their aspirations solely through a historical or chronological recounting of the stages leading to 1919. The teachers' occupation is examined through an analysis of the conditions of work, the methods of recruitment, appointment and classification, teacher training and the development of salaries, all of which help the reader to conceive a clearer picture of what teachers went through while at their daily work within schools. It may also be surprising to note that certain problems concerning teachers evident in the past, are still with us, to some extent or other, even today. The study also entails a detailed enquiry of 19th and early 20th century educational thought about the teachers' role and duties in schools. It is revealing how adjourned Maltese thinkers were with regards to the scope and objectives of education in general and the function of the teacher in particular.

  • Author: Charles Camilleri

    Rhythmic training for musicians 1993 – 102 pp.

  • Author: P. Bianchi, A. Cassola & Peter Serracino Inglott

    Pynchon Malta and Wittgenstein

    Eds: P. Bianchi, A. Cassola & Peter Serracino Inglott

  • Author: Prof. Carmel Cefai & Prof. Louis Lagana' Carmel Cefai and Louis Laganà have created this remarkable book by selecting papers from the 32nd International Conference on Psychology and the Arts, a cutting-edge conference which has for three decades been discussing artworks from a psychological perspective. Including enriching works from Greek tragedy to contemporary films, this is a book every critic will find worthwhile.
  • Author: Dr Grazio Mercieca

    MALTA UNIVERSITY PUBLISHING għadu kif ippubblika t-Tieni Volum ta’ Massimarji tal-Imħallef Philip Sciberras.  L-ewwel volum kien jitratta l-proċedura ċivili.  It-tieni volum jitratta temi ta’ dritt ċivili sostantiv, bħad-drittijiet tal-persuna, proprjetà, suċċessjoni u obbligazzjonijiet, kuntratti in ġenerali u kuntratti speċifiċi bħall-appalt, bejgħ u l-kera. Dan huwa essenzjalment ktieb ta’ referenza. 1269 pages.
  • Author: Dr Grazio Mercieca

    MALTA UNIVERSITY PUBLISHING għadu kif ippubblika t-Tieni Volum ta’ Massimarji tal-Imħallef Philip Sciberras.  L-ewwel volum kien jitratta l-proċedura ċivili.  It-tieni volum jitratta temi ta’ dritt ċivili sostantiv, bħad-drittijiet tal-persuna, proprjetà, suċċessjoni u obbligazzjonijiet, kuntratti in ġenerali u kuntratti speċifiċi bħall-appalt, bejgħ u l-kera. Dan huwa essenzjalment ktieb ta’ referenza. 1269 pages.
  • Author: Dr Grazio Mercieca

    huwa l-ewwel wieħed minn tlett volumi.  Il-volumi sussegwenti sejrin jitrattaw temi oħrajn bħad-dritt ċivili sostantiv, dritt kummerċjali, liġijiet tal-kera, dritt industrijali, dritt fiskali u liġi dwar it-traffiku. Dan huwa essenzjalment ktieb ta' riferenza u l-iskop ewlieni tiegħu huwa li jservi ta' riferenza faċli u komprensiva għall-avukati prattikanti, anke jekk il-massimarji fihom kontenut qawwi ta' prinċipji legali li jinteressaw lill-istudjuż tal-liġi u lill-istudenti. Għalhekk il-massimarji huma mqassmin skond is-suġġett b'mod alfabetiku f'kapitoli; u b'mod analitiku f'kull kapitolu. Barra l-Werrej fuq quddiem hemm ukoll, fuq wara, għadd ta' indiċijiet - tal-leġislazzjoni ewlenija u sussidjarja  ċċitata fil-massimarji; tas-sentenzi u opri legali ċċitati fl-istess massimarji, indiċi tal-massimarji nfushom kif ukoll indiċi analitiku-alfabetiku. 1088 pages

  • Author: Dr Grazio Mercieca

    huwa l-ewwel wieħed minn tlett volumi.  Il-volumi sussegwenti sejrin jitrattaw temi oħrajn bħad-dritt ċivili sostantiv, dritt kummerċjali, liġijiet tal-kera, dritt industrijali, dritt fiskali u liġi dwar it-traffiku. Dan huwa essenzjalment ktieb ta' riferenza u l-iskop ewlieni tiegħu huwa li jservi ta' riferenza faċli u komprensiva għall-avukati prattikanti, anke jekk il-massimarji fihom kontenut qawwi ta' prinċipji legali li jinteressaw lill-istudjuż tal-liġi u lill-istudenti. Għalhekk il-massimarji huma mqassmin skond is-suġġett b'mod alfabetiku f'kapitoli; u b'mod analitiku f'kull kapitolu. Barra l-Werrej fuq quddiem hemm ukoll, fuq wara, għadd ta' indiċijiet - tal-leġislazzjoni ewlenija u sussidjarja  ċċitata fil-massimarji; tas-sentenzi u opri legali ċċitati fl-istess massimarji, indiċi tal-massimarji nfushom kif ukoll indiċi analitiku-alfabetiku. 1088 pages

  • Author: Dr. Renald Blundell

    Dr Renald Blundell delves into the question of love in terms of its varied dimensions, namely love being a concept as old as humankind, a fundamental instinct, a conscious choice and eventually a real experience. He manages to fuse into one whole his academic competence achieved through study and his own human perception as acquired in daily life. Thus the author identifies himself with the average reader and eventually induces towards a personal stand. This book provides a sort of handbook which can prove quite practical and useful to teachers, parents and all involoved in education, both civil and religious.