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  • Author: D. Cutajar, F. Florentino & K. Wain

    Profiles of Joseph Kalleya, Vincent Apap, Emvin Cremona, Esprit Barthet, Antoine Camilleri and Frank Portelli with an introduction by Peter Serracino Inglott.

  • Din il-kollezzjoni ta’ ħrejjef hija importanti fil-wirt folkloristiku ta’ Malta għaliex tikkonsisti fi stejjer tal-passat li l-antenati tagħna għaddew bil-fomm bejn ġenerazzjoni u oħra. Stumme għamel xogħol eċċellenti billi rrekordjahom eżatti kif semagħhom għax b’hekk għandna rikordju dirett ta’ kif kienu jitkellmu u jaħsbu l-Maltin tal-1903. Flimkien ma’ dawk li oriġinaw minn Malta, dawn il-ħrejjef jinkludu oħrajn li juru l-influwenza tal-barranin. Dawn l-istejjer oriġinalment ġew irrakkontati bid-djalett u Stumme kitibhom bil-lingwa fonetika. Grima qalbithom għall-Malti modern bit-tama li dawn l-istejjer isiru parti mill-edukazzjoni tal-Maltin. Lily Grima ltaqghet mal-kollezzjoni ta’ dawn l-istejjer waqt li kienet qed tagħmel riċerka fuq l-etnomużikoloġija ġo Goldsmiths College, Londra. Il-karriera prinċipali tagħha kienet fil-qasam tal-edukazzjoni bħala għalliema li tispeċjalizza fil-mużika. Bħalissa hija taħdem privatament bħala interpreta u traduttriċi.
  • Dan il-ktieb, Bl-Għasluġ tal-Ħsieb – Dun Karm, La Jixjieħ u la Jmut, huwa mixja analitika ta’ ġieħ għax juri l-kisbiet kbar kreattivi u intellettwali tal-Poeta Nazzjonali, Dun Karm (1871-1961). Dak li jippreżenta dan il-ktieb huma suġġerimenti ta’ kif il-poeżija Dunkarmjana tista’ taħdem fuqna. Dawn is-suġġerimenti mhumiex esklużivi, imma jistgħu jiġu ċċalinġjati jew jinbidlu; u forsi wkoll wieħed jista’ jibni fuqhom. Jingħata nebħ ta’ kif wieħed jista’ jikkonċettwalizza għala nistgħu nsibu l-poeżija ta’ Dun Karm siewja għalina llum. Minn dak li qed jiġi ppreżentat, il-qarrejja għandhom jintebħu li l-qari u r-riċerka (li kull qarja titlob minnhom) huma alleati ta’ xulxin. Aktar ma wieħed isir jaf kif taħdem il-poeżija ta’ Dun Karm, aktar wieħed jinfetaħ għall-effetti li jista’ jkollha. B’qari rriċerkat, il-poeżija ta’ Dun Karm tistagħna u l-qarrejja jkunu aktar involuti fiha. Il-qari analitiku juri li l-letteratura ta’ Dun Karm tinqeda bl-użu ta’ lingwa, xbihat, u ideat li huma mirqumin u xirqin. Il-poeżiji ta’ Dun Karm jinħassu li huma maħdumin bl-akbar sengħa, u bosta minnhom iwassluna għall-introspezzjoni għax iġagħluna naħsbu fuq il-ħajja b’mod differenti mis-soltu. Anki meta Dun Karm jibni poeżija fuq xi tensjoni, fiha naqraw ħjiel tal-kumplessità tat-tiġrib uman. Għalhekk il-ġabriet tal-poeżiji tiegħu narawhom bħala għerf akkumulat
    • fuq il-bniedem,
    • għall-bniedem, u
    • mill-bniedem.
    Il-Professur Charles Briffa għallem fl-Università ta’ Malta, u huwa kritiku letterarju, studjuż tal-Malti, u traduttur. Kiteb bosta kotba oħrajn fuq ix-xogħlijiet letterarji ta’ awturi Maltin. Ixandar ukoll ħafna sensiliet fuq ir-radju u t-televixin fuq il-lingwa u l-letteratura.
  • Antoloġija tal-letteratura Maltija fil-Livell taċ-Ċertifikat għall-Edukazzjoni Sekondarja (ĊES)
  • JMS Vol 28 No 1 Cover The Journal of Mediterranean Studies (JMS) is an interdisciplinary journal published twice yearly since 1991. It is specifically aimed at scholars whose professional academic interests are concerned with Mediterranean societies and cultures within the fields of Social Anthropology, History, Classics and Archeology, Popular Art and Literature. The journal intends to provide a forum whereby scholars working in academically and geographical contiguous areas can explore, and be exposed to, parallel and related theoretical issues. It sets out to establish a framework for interdisciplinary discussion, particularly important when studying Mediterranean societies and cultures, and to encourage dialogue between academics. This prestigious journal is indexed by Scopus and SCImago.  

    Price for the overseas:


    £Stg 30.00,  50 Euros,   US$60   Individuals


    £Stg 60.00,  120 Euros,  US$ 120  Institutions

      10 euros for local subscription  
  • This is the first literal translation of Stumme’s collection of 37 folktales from Malta and Gozo which were narrated to him mostly by illiterate peasants and which he recorded in phonetic script in 1903 when he visited Malta.  They are an invaluable contribution to the heritage of the Maltese islands.
  • JMS Vol 28 No 1 Cover The Journal of Mediterranean Studies (JMS) is an interdisciplinary journal published twice yearly since 1991. It is specifically aimed at scholars whose professional academic interests are concerned with Mediterranean societies and cultures within the fields of Social Anthropology, History, Classics and Archeology, Popular Art and Literature. The journal intends to provide a forum whereby scholars working in academically and geographical contiguous areas can explore, and be exposed to, parallel and related theoretical issues. It sets out to establish a framework for interdisciplinary discussion, particularly important when studying Mediterranean societies and cultures, and to encourage dialogue between academics. This prestigious journal is indexed by Scopus and SCImago.  
  • The Journal of Mediterranean Studies (JMS) is an interdisciplinary journal published twice yearly since 1991. It is specifically aimed at scholars whose professional academic interests are concerned with Mediterranean societies and cultures within the fields of Social Anthropology, History, Classics and Archeology, Popular Art and Literature. The journal intends to provide a forum whereby scholars working in academically and geographical contiguous areas can explore, and be exposed to, parallel and related theoretical issues. It sets out to establish a framework for interdisciplinary discussion, particularly important when studying Mediterranean societies and cultures, and to encourage dialogue between academics. This prestigious journal is indexed by Scopus and SCImago.  
  • Author: Professor Peter Vassallo The journal is devoted to current research in the history of cultural relations between England and Italy from 1300 to the present. Articles focus on cross-cultural literary and historical studies as well as on related disciplines such as History of Art and Architecture. The first issue was published in 1991. To date fourteen volumes have been produced The Journal, which is listed in the Modern Languages Association Directory of Learned Journals, has established itself as one of the leading journals in this interdisciplinary field of studies. Its advisory committee is composed of scholars of international repute in this field of study and includes Piero Boitani (Rome), Peter Brand (Edinburgh), Lilla Maria Crisafulli (Bologna), David Farley Hills (Swansea), John Gatt Rutter (La Trobe), Gloria Lauri-Lucente (Malta), Francesco Marroni (Pescara), Sergio Rossi (Milan), Corinna Salvadori Lonergan (Dublin), Valeria Tinkler-Villani (Leiden) and John Woodhouse (Oxford).
  • Author: Maria Cutajar

    Higher Education Teachers’ Experiences of Networked Technologies for Teaching

    The Education Research Monograph Series (ERMS) is a new, peer-reviewed book series which focuses on specialised and interdisciplinary issues related to education. ERMS is intended to enable researchers from many disciplines to share their findings and, as a result, stimulate dialogue on established and emerging topics in education within the international community of researchers, practitioners, students and other stakeholders interested in the field. The monograph series considers bibliographical works as well as empirical studies that employ mixed methods for data gathering and analysis.